Rumble strips. It’s only when you are veering slightly to the one side of the motorway, dozing off or zoning out, that the rumblestrips wake you with the electricity of the shorting shock. The world returns in loud and glorious technicolour, bringing your focus from dreamy to laser-like so fast it spasms through your veins, making the blood seem sluggish. You feel relief and terror, relief and horror, relief and such a clarity that it could be religious or drug-induced. The shocking, visceral experience of the rumblesrip sensation has basically accompanied me all my life. Though I don’t remember it, I suspect it started when my dad died. I was six. And it has been far more intrusive since my sister was murdered 15 years ago - a constant and nauseating companion. Rumblestrips are designed to be discordant and jarring, to remind you that you are off the path. And so with my life, too odd to be brought in any way back into the safety of the right track. Even as a little k...